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About Us

We are a family business started in the 80s by Mr. Adolfo Gutiérrez Cruz, who saw an opportunity to buy leather. In the beginning, buying leather in Loncoche and its surroundings, to then expand from Collipulli, in the north, to Osorno, in the south; its products being the goat, sheep and cattle hides, beginning its indirect export in the 90s.


In 2006, they made their first direct export of leather and with that, they started working together with ProChile and inserted themselves into the PIAC Program. In 2007, Sociedad Comercial GUTSAL Limitada was born as a company and after different talks, courses, prospecting missions and market penetration; It is possible to directly export salted beef leather to Hong Kong.


Subsequently, it continues exporting directly to different countries in Europe, mainly to Italy.